Tuesday, February 16, 2010

3 Positive Steps When Getting Back Together After A Break Up

3 Positive Steps When Getting Back Together After A Break Up

Are you interested in getting back together after a break up? How are you feeling after just breaking up with your ex? Getting back together after a break up is possible if you really want to make it happen. If you love the other person and want to rekindle things, there are some considerations that you need to make. Start to think about getting back together after a break up and you will be reminded of what broke the relationship up in the first place. What will you do to rekindle the old flame?

You may feel like the best way to initiate getting back together after a break up is to call your ex up and beg for their return. This is not the way to go! You may think that the best course of action is to lock yourself in your home and cry until you've run out of tears. This isn't it either! If you're serious about getting back together after a break up, there is a better way to go. Here are the three best steps that you can pursue for getting back together after a break up!

1 - First and foremost, getting back together after a break up means accepting that what happened happened.

It may be hard for you to accept that the breakup happened, but you cannot continue the relationship the way its going. You need to accept that the breakup happened so that you can work on renewing things. Getting back together after a break up means ending the original relationship and then starting new rather than trying to rekindle things in the same way they were before.

2 - Secondly, getting back together after a break up does not begin with calling your ex!

Do not call your ex when you are working on getting back together after a break up. Let things cool down, regulate your emotions and work on thinking about what happened to cause the break up. Getting back together after a break up is going to mean figuring out what went wrong and rectifying it before you call. Work on improving the relationship in your mind, and do not call your ex until things have normalized in your heart and head.

3 - Finally, getting back together after a break up means planning for the right timing.

Once you are feeling like you are more prepared for getting back together after a break up, you can begin to plan the where and how. By the time you are prepared to rekindle things, you will have a better idea about whether you are still in love with him or her or not. Since everything has ended now, don't worry about who is at fault. Instead, focus on getting back together after a break up with positives in mind. Begin with casual conversation, a good friendship, and let things develop from there. If you take things slow and treat them positively, getting back together after a break up is easier than you would imagine.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Avoiding A Love Break Up

Avoiding A Love Break Up

A love breakup in a relationship is quiet painful you’ve ever had your love break up you know how painful it is. And if you thought back after the relationship ended, you probably saw all the signs that you didn’t recognize before. If you’ll remember those signs and keep them in mind, they can help you prevent a break up in the future. And they can also help you get back together after a split.

One sure sign of impending love break up is the lack of physical contact. This doesn’t just mean sex. If your partner suddenly stops having an interest in sex, that’s a good sign that a break up is coming. But the normal flow and rhythm of a relationship has times when there’s lots of sex and times when there’s not much. This is natural.

A love break up is probably on the horizon though, if your partner stops holding your hand for no apparent reason. Or he or she stops putting an arm over your shoulder at the movies or in public when he or she always did it before. Any sudden changes like not touching you much outside the bedroom when your partner was always very affectionate before could signal problems.

If it goes beyond not touching to the person actually becoming uncomfortable at your touch, then you definitely need to have a conversation with your partner about what’s going on. Don’t just assume that because your partner flinched away from your touch that there’s about to be a love break up, though. Many things can cause a person to not want to be touched at any given moment.

A person might have been thinking of something else and been surprised or startled by the touch. He or she might think that your touch signals that it’s time to have sex, if you’re not very affectionate except when you want to be intimate. And maybe your partner isn’t in the mood for sex now and chose to show you that by moving away from your touch. That doesn’t mean you’re headed for a love break up.

Your partner might simply not feel good. Every change in a person’s behavior doesn’t signal an impending love break up or even anything wrong with the relationship. You have to watch them closely for a while to determine if some behavior is an occasional thing, something brought on only during certain times, or if it’s a permanent part of the person’s make up.

Catching your partner in lies, even what seem like small and harmless ones, could be a sign of problems, too. After all, if a lie is small and harmless, why tell it in the first place? Where there’s one tiny lie, larger and more damaging lies can grow. Don’t become convinced it’s a love break up right away though. People lie about many things that aren’t bad, like surprise parties and reunions. Your partner might be trying to keep a harmless and fun secret like that, instead of scheming about a love break up.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Steps to avoid A Love Break Up

A love breakup in a relationship is quiet painful, you might have experienced this or know someone who might have, how did you feel I mean your emotional, and psychological turmoil I can really relate with you on that because I have passed through such period of time and I tell you I wouldn’t wish it for anyone.
But from my experience I have come to find out that certain things I could have done which I didn’t do……… or let me put this way certain signs which I should have noticed which were a pointer to an impending breakup was ignored by me. I hope my sharing this with you could go a long way in improving your relationship. If you’ll remember these signs and keep them in mind, they can help you prevent a break up in the future. And they can also help you get back together after a split.

Lack OF Physical Contact: One sure sign of impending love break up is the lack of physical contact. This doesn’t just mean sex. At times my partner suddenly stops having an interest in sex, which is a good sign that a break up is coming. But you should realize that normal flow and rhythm of a relationship has period of low and high period of sex. This is natural. But more there are more important signs than that

A love break up is probably on the horizon, if for instance your partner stops holding your hand for no apparent reason. Or probably he or she stops putting an arm over your shoulder at the movies or in public places where he or she regularly does. So be vigilant if such changes are occurring. Remember only touching you at the bedroom will not suffice, but other regular places where he or she normally touches you before. Therefore, any sudden changes like not touching you much outside the bedroom when your partner was always very affectionate before could signal problems.

More serious problem exists if your partner becomes highly uncomfortable with your touch. If this begins to happen then you need to act fast you need to definitely have a conversation with your partner about what’s going on? Don’t just assume anything, at times many things can cause a person to not want to be touched at any given moment and the best way to determine this is to have a serious discussion with him or her.

Here is some situation that you might consider before you determine if love breakup is imminent or not

At times your partner might have been thinking of something else and becomes surprised or startled by your touch.

At times, your partner might think that your touch could mean demand for sex which he or she might not be ready for and decides to move away. Now such occasional actions might generally not mean there’s an impending love breakup, but be vigilant if this action becomes regular, and if this is the case then you need to have discussion with him

Your partner might simply not feel good. Every change in a person’s behavior doesn’t signal an impending love break up or even anything wrong with the relationship. You have to watch them closely for a while to determine if some behavior is an occasional thing or not

Lying: Catching your partner lying, even what seem like small and harmless ones, could be a sign of problems, too? Where there’s one tiny lie, larger and more damaging lies can grow. Although some lie don’t mean any harm such as surprise parties and reunions. Your partner might be trying to keep a harmless and fun secret like that, instead of scheming about a love break up. But when you notice such is becoming serious such as lying about his or her movements or double dating etc. Then you need to have a discussion with your partner

Public insults: One convincing way to determine if love breakup is imminent is if your partner constantly insults you in the public, this is done with the aim of downgrading you or showing you that you are no longer important. Although this the extreme case but at times it does happen and always certain signal would have been showing (such as the ones discussed earlier) before it gets to this which is why you must be vigilant

This are some points you like to consider, to avoid love breakup. But at times love breakup could be as a result of your actions or in actions in your relationships……….
i came across a book which proved to be highly effective in solving relationship issues,i urge you to go to:http://401924273gpz9qbjeavijm3w9q.hop.clickbank.net

Sunday, January 17, 2010



Have you ever involved in a relationship where trust is far fetched? You would certainly agree that such a relationship is devoid of true love and happiness. This thus makes it imperative that trust in a relationship is vital. This article will treat just 3 simple ways to build trust in a relationship.
At the end of this article you would see that building trust in a relationship is quiet easy and achievable.

Predictability: One of the 3 simple ways to build trust in a relationship is predictability. You must show yourself has been predictable. You might ask; how does that bring about trust? Well, it does because been predictable helps your partner to understand you better, which enables your partner to avoid things that might generally upset you. For example, predictability enables your partner to know the kind of food you eat, dress you wear, shoes, bags you use etc. this thus gives your partner that sense of familiarity which would make your mate to be free with you.

Truthful: This is another simple ways to build trust in relationship. Being truthful all the time enables your partner to easily believe you. This becomes important when problems arises and misunderstanding creeps in, your truthful conduct will certainly come in to your rescue you by making your partner to easily believe you and forestall any need of going the extra mile to prove yourself

Openness: To build trust in a relationship you need to always be open at all times. This means that you are to avoid secrets and always ready to share your thoughts. Always know that secrets most times do not last for long and when its blown open, it takes much harder work doing damage control than when the issue had been discussed earlier

You certainly would see that the 3 simple ways to build trust relationship mentioned are quiet practicable and essential. But there are more other than this. Certainly it might not be easy but you need to have a determined effort as the rewards will surpass any effort made. Sustaining a relationship still goes beyond these points as it requires some other factors which are also vital.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Simple steps on geting your love back

Sam spends long hours at his place of work, often after work his always exhausted and worn out before he gets home. His wife grace feels her husband is not always there for her. Grace spends most of her time attending to home chores, her husband is not always around due to his nature of work and she feels lonely and neglected and this makes the relationship worthless to both of them........ Do you find yourself in this kind of situation? Can this relationship be saved? If it can, then how? In solving this problem certain principles need to be applied.

First, you must determine the value or worth of the relationship this means that you must first determine the similarity between you both and know the strong points of the relationship .Most relationship can be saved with A MEASURE OF DEDICATION and, HARD WORK at the same time both parties must AGREE that they both would want to make it work. This becomes very important so that one does feel he/she is wasting time on the relationship
It would be a grave mistake, if you stay in a relationship or marriage because of financial reasons or other convenient reasons or may be for the sake of the children because that would not hold the marriage for long, and even if it does, it will show to every one that you are not enjoying your marriage. Saving a relationship requires, as mentioned earlier DEDICATION, and HARDWORK while realizing that the relationship is what saving.

Realizing and understanding the points above, you must then identify what the problem is; you must pinpoint the problem or problems in a relationship. One of the mistakes people make in identifying problems is believing that the problem at the surface is actually the problem but rather applying the proverb which says; ’there is no smoke without a fire’ means every existing problem has its roots from an underlying reason and solving the problem at the surface requires you digging dip and solving the problem from the scratch.

Therefore, if you have a problem in your relationship whatever what the problem might be you could start by looking beyond the surface and try finding out the root of the problem it could be issue of affair, then probably a lack of intimacy could be the problem, it could be over expectations, then it could be lack of sound communication and the wrong understanding of present conditions of both of you etc.The underlying point here is that you need to dig deep and understand where the problem is coming from and solve it from there.

When you start to deal with core issues rather than symptoms, you can save the relationship.

Identifying the root problems, means you are half way there, and then you can begin to share your thoughts. This means both voicing your own feelings and listening to your partner’s concerns. Have regular eye contact and physical touch when discussing these problems, show every sign of seriously and do not take any issue raised lightly this gives the confidence that you are interested in your partners emotional and physical needs even when your emotions are swirling.
Once you have understood the problems in your relationship, then decide to solve them by taking real and concrete steps in solving them, establish an action plan to solve them. If lack of communication is the problem, then plan on particular days with specific time which both of you will devote to talking to each other. Always consider suggestion of your partner and do not dismiss them casually. Always make sure to follow your plan at all times, and remember, mistakes might be made but never give up as there are great benefits to be enjoyed it.

Finally, you should realize that saving a relationship is an ongoing process. You are going to take two steps forward only to take one step back. There is going to be both laughter and tears going forward. Be quick to apologize and slow to anger or taking offence when your partner says something hurtful

These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life, and frankly these aren't my original ideas. I turned to a book when I had no idea of how to get my true love back.

A simple and down to earth book has proved very helpful to me as it provides information on things to do and things not to do which I do believe would prove very helpful in winning your Ex back……. This book is called "The Magic of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever

So I would urge you quickly go to… and as a bonus, you would have access to two GREAT VIDEOS WITH GREAT CONTENTS which promises to make every information provided simplified as possible.

Secondly, you also have what is called CLEAN SLATE METHOD; this provides an effective method on how to make an apology with the best chance of being forgiven

Therefore I strongly urge you go to http://401924273gpz9qbjeavijm3w9q.hop.clickbank.net/……..if you really want to get your relationship back